Tuesday, November 30, 2004



These statistics reflect Syndrome prior to the final battle of The Incredibles

Security Level: Villain (WC)

Race: Human

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12, Spirit D6, Strength d6, Vigor d6

Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Knowledge (Engineering) d12, Notice d10, Shooting d10, Taunt d10, Repair d10

Charisma: +0, Pace: 6, Parry: 6, Toughness: 5

Hinderances: Gloater (Major), Vengeful (Major), Quirk -- Vainglorious (Minor), Vow -- To become world's only superhero (Minor)

Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers) [Gadgets], Power Points, Gadgeteer, First Strike, Level Headed, Improved Level Headed

Super Powers: [Gadgets: Flight Boots Flight -- Level 8 (6 pp), Gadget (-2); Zero Point Energy Beam Paralysis (11 pp), Area Effect Medium Burst Template (+4), Extra-Duration (+1), Extra-Power x3 (+3), Ranged (+4), Gadget (-3); Lair (4 pp): Research Lab (+1), Secure Access (+1), Well Hidden (+1); Henchmen (at least 10)]

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